Bunaken Sea Park

Bunaken Sea Park is one of the sea parks that have the highest marine biodiversity in the world. Because of its natural potency and the marine ecological conservation activities in this area, the local government designed the Bunaken area as a maritime and educational tourism object. Bunaken area was anounced officially by the Ministry of Forestry as national sea park in 1991.
Bunaken Sea Park is 89.065 ha wide area. It is located at North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. This sea park consists of 5 islands and 2 coastal areas, namely Bunaken Island, Manado Tua Island, Siladen Island, Mantehage Island, Nain Island, Molas Coast - Tiwoho, and Arakan-Wawontulap Coast. Among the islands of Bunaken National Sea Park, Bunaken Island is the most popular. This ±8 km² wide island is located at the Bay of Manado. The island is part of Manado City, the capital of North Sulawesi Province.
The area of Bunaken National Park represents the tropical ecosystem of Indonesia, because it has any kind of tropical water ecosystems, such as mangrove, seagrasses, seaweeds, and reefs. There’s also tropical forest in this area. Geographically, Bunaken area includes in “Gold Triangle” water –the water connects Papua, Philippine, and Indonesia oceans–, the habitat of more than 3000 species of fish. This beautiful sea park has the diversity of rare aquatic organism species, such as dugong, dolphin, etc. There’re also Hippocampus sp., the giant clam, hawksbill turtle, green turtle, etc.
Because of its high biodiversity, scuba diving facility can attract so many tourists to the Bunaken area. The National Sea Park of Bunaken has 20 dive spots with the deep varies up to 1344 m. Twelve of them are located around Bunaken Island. These dive spots are the most often visited by the divers and the submarine panorama lovers. Most of these 12 dive spots in Bunaken Island are in line from the southeast up to the northwest part. There’re underwater great walls or hanging walls. They are the walls of giant coral that stand vertically and curve up in this area. These coral walls also become the food source for fishes in the water around the Bunaken Island.
Besides the charming submarine park, the islands in this national park area present the natural atmosphere. There’re many cottages, resorts, and diving centers that offer accommodation and diving services. Water pool, hot shower, and restaurants are also provided. The tour activities in the Bunaken National Sea Park are diving, snorkeling, sunbathe, swimming, etc.